Road map for responsible innovations

Results of the Rosie project (Responsible and innovative SMEs) were presented during the online conference on 29th April this year. The conference was attended by representatives of self-government, the world of science and entrepreneurs.

One of the most important project stage was the implementation stage in which 5 small and medium companies implemented the assumptions of responsible innovations into their activity. As a result, 3 companies have updated or elaborated Ethical Codes defining values they will follow in both internal and external contacts of the company. The introduced solutions were also connected with public involvement and open access to, among others, scientific data and research used in the innovation process. During the on-line meeting Mr Jan Góźdź (owner of the company EUREKA. Inżynieria Spożywcza, Doradztwo i Projektowanie) shared his experience. The production line of healthy cereals created by the Eureka company is a great example of sustainable action involving elements of responsible innovations.

Moreover, the main measurable effects of more than 2-year cooperation of various environments under the Rosie project will be Road Map being a guide how to socially, ethically and environmentally integrate responsible innovations with SMEs’ business strategies and regional policy, including the Regional Innovation Strategy. Based on the research, conducted diagnosis on the level of responsible innovations in the Lubelskie Voivodeship, consultations with the entrepreneurs and self-governments, there has been elaborated a list of recommendations for all regional stakeholders engaged in building the potential of sustainable innovations on regional level.  As a strategic document, the Road Map will present, among others, a model of implementing responsible innovations in companies and recommendations on actions enabling development and implementing RI concept in SMEs in the Lubelskie Voivodeship in future. In the coming weeks  the Road map document will be available on the Rosie project site.

ROSIE | Results of the project in Poland | Part 1 | Part 2