Lublin with a monument in gratitude for the solidarity with the Hungarians in 1956

The monument of the Polish-Hungarian solidarity has been unveiled on the square at the Regional Centre of Blood Donation and Therapeutics in Lublin. The event was organised by the Centre for Culture Meetings and it was attended by, among others, Vice-marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship Michał Mulawa.

– We, the Hungarians, are here to thank you that in 1956 you gratuitously supported the Hungarian revolution. In Lublin, as one of the first Polish cities, a civic committee was established to raise funds for Budapest, which was fighting at that time. You collected food, medicines and blood. And blood is the most valuable thing that a person can donate – Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács, the Ambassador of Hungary to Poland said during the ceremony.

The place where the monument has been erected is of special significance. After the second world war, Hungary was included in the Soviets’ influence zone. On 23 October, under the motto of independence from USRR and freedom of speech, the uprising in Budapest broke out. Violent intervention of the Army of the Soviet Union resulted in death of approx. 2.5 thousand insurgents. The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was

enthusiastically supported by the Poles, who massively donated blood for the injured Hungarian fighters. The first transport of blood left Lublin 2 days after the outbreak of the uprising. The collection was organized by the students of the Medical Academy.

-It was a very moving ceremony. This monument symbolises centuries-old, beautiful and precious friendship of the Polish and Hungarian nations. This brotherhood lasts until today. At present we can also count on the support of our Hungarian brothers. Over the ages we share what is the most precious: blood and joint fight for freedom – said Michał Mulawa, the Vice-marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship.

During the Hungarian uprising the Polish people donated almost 800 litres of blood, over 700 kilos of plasma, approx. 400 litres of dry plasma and 15.5 tons of blood substitutes.

Unveiling of the monument commemorating the support offered to the Hungarians by the citizens of Lublin and the Lubelskie Voivodeship in 1956 was accompanied by the “Meetings with the Hungarian culture” which included numerous meetings, concerts and a display of the cycle of the latest films of the Hungarian cinematography. The events were held in the Centre for Culture Meetings in Lublin under the patronage of the Commission for the Hungarian-Polish Non-governmental Cooperation Programme.