RegHub gathers the European cities and regions and evaluates the implementation of the EU policy. The network was initiated in 2018 and it consists of local and regional public officials (contact points) who collect specialist feedback information concerning experience on implementation of the existing EU policies in their area. Thus the network contributes with the local and regional perspective  to creation of the EU policy and it extends its factual base.

In the beginning of 2021, next edition of RegHub 2.0 was launched. The Institute for Development of Self-Government of the Lubelskie Voivodeship is a contact point on behalf of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in the issues concerning implementation of the EU policy in the Lubelskie Region. The first meeting of RegHub was held on 21 January this year, it enabled to get familiar with members of the network from other countries, familiarise with the platform rules and with the work for the upcoming months.

Województwo Lubelskie w Sieci Regionalnych Centrów Europejskiego Komitetu Regionów RegHub 2.0