Cooperation based on the Agreement on cooperation of 5 February 2009

Area: 18 thousand km²
Population: approx. 4,5 million
Capital: Venice

The capital of the region is Venice. The largest cities of the region are Verona, Padova and Vicenza. The economy of Veneto is based on agriculture, mainly the production of fruit, vegetables, grapevines, corn and wheat, as well as the metal, textile, shoe, wood-paper and ceramic industries. Veneto is also famous for its tourism. The world-famous Grana Padano cheese is produced here.

The basis of the cooperation is the Agreement between the Lubelskie Voivodeship and the Veneto Region dated 6 February 2009.

The first contacts with the Veneto Region were initiated in 2001. In December 2008, the final content of the agreement was agreed on. After being approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Regional Assembly (Sejmik) of the Lubelskie Voivodeship, the agreement was signed on 5 February 2009 in Lublin during the visit of the delegation from the Veneto Region headed by Flavio Silvestrine – the Assessor of Local Administration and Human Resources of the Veneto Region.

Since that time, the Lubelskie Voivodeship and the Veneto Region have participated jointly in various projects including, among others:

  • the project dedicated to secondary school students “A Gulp of Water, please” (2009-2011)
  • FRESH – Forwarding Regional Environmental Sustainable Hierarchies (INTERREG IV C Programme)
  • “Heritage as Opportunity – sustainable strategies of management for key urban complexes”